About the Webmaster

Who are you?

Howdy! You've found yourself on the page where I talk about myself. more than most pages here As you may have noticed from my intro blurb on my homepage, my name is Nova and I go by They/He pronouns. I am a primarily sapphic transmasculine butch and was on testosterone for like 3 years.

I'm also a pretty big furry and a therian. As someone who was forced out of the closet at a young age I deeply connect with literary depictions of the inhuman. This is very evident in the work I like to create with anthro characters especially in relations to humans. But I'm getting a little off track.

What do you do here?

Well at my heart I am a deeply creative person, mainly story teller and a digital artist.(though I'm working on sharing more of the former lately) And this site is a less encumbered medium for me compared to say twitter or tumblr. I feel as though I have more creative control here instead of social media sites or carrds.

As of right now I have a number of projects which are hosted here which you can find on my project list page. My current project which I have been sinking the majority of my time into is Laura Quest though I've been itching to get back to Humorism. Which is a project I've been ruminating on for years now and am trying to find a satisfactory way of sharing.

Additionally I have plans to convert this into a hub for my art going forward as I've wanted to make an archive for my artistic journey that people could look though. But that will take a fair bit of time as I have about 8 years worth of drawings to go through.

What's with the goats?

The three goats you find across this website, In kind of obscure places at this point, are my three main fursonas/mascots!

  • Alcor is a space god in the form of a chimera and is the general website mascot. (they're why the site is called Intergoatlactic)
  • Papaya is probably the closest representation to my actual self and is also somewhat based on Cure Papaya from Tropical Rouge Precure because I feel strongly connected to them. They are a tan capricorn with blue and green fins.
  • The Chunch is basically a shitpost sona I made back in 2019ish? He is kind of a time capsule for when I kinned Charun Krojib from Hiveswap Friendsim. He is a jersey devil with long brown hair.

Thank you for reading, here's some blinkies I like.